Thursday, May 28, 2015

Claim Your Destiny

I meant to post this a while back, probably 3 months ago but now reading it I'm deciding to let the pictures speak for them self for the rest from now on. Sorry for the misspelling, wrote it on my phone stupid autocorrect and I'm too lazy to go back and fix.

So at this point I've realized this website is most likely nothing but a personal log. Well at least that's what it'll be turning into, since I'm not a huge fan of social media and "flexing" this type of things on it. I guess you could say I don't like branging or people really knowing my life details? But let me get on track to this post. 

So for quite a while now I had been planning on going back to school since due to a series of unfortunate events and fanancial problems I was forced to drop out. But someone time last summer due to a friend I was able to find a really good paying job and mean really good, and was able to get fully on my feet. But the whole time while I was at this job I just couldn't see my self doing it for the rest of my life. Something didn't feel right I get  like I was meant to achieve more with my self and I've always felt like I had been meant to do something Motorsports, well at least have always wished to do something in Motorsports. 
So long story short I work for about a year at this well paying job and due to union problems and then lack of work I was laid off, thought I later on got called to return to work I had to refuse the offer. 
So whiles I was at home after I got laid off began to research on how to become involve in higher lever Motorsports. So I came across Mechanical Engineering, something that I always had interest in doing when I was in high school. After getting all the answers I needed, need I remind im not really religious nor a spiritual person, but I began to ask the universe and God for an answer on what I should do.
Sure enought I get a call from my friend tha got me my previous job, asking me if I had ever heard of a local Bay Area shop in Berkeley. Which I obviously did due to their high involvement in Motorsports, then he mentioned he had a job interview with them through our high school wedding teacher who had got a hold of him and told him about open job opportunities with them. A couple days passed and I got anxious and decided to drive down and ask for a job opportunity as well my self in person.
When I originally walked in asking for a job I was told they was nothing available at the time. After me insisting and asking for anything available I was offer to file an application and to come back the next day if I wanted to. I came back the next day at the exact same time, 9am sharp and file an application with the secretery who shortly handed my application to who you could say was the manager. It didn't take long for him to glance through my application and resume and sure enought after looking through my resume he told me that there might be something available that he could open up for me and to come back the next day for a full interview. 
 As I came the next morning I could help to notice this rare and most beutiful car outside which I've later have come to find  out is owned by a former Formula Atlantic champion. So as I walked in nervous to death for this second interview and sit down, we began to talk about my resumed which he mention the owner of the shop really liked and would like to interview me him self tomorrow and to just come back tomorrow instead. 
So I came the next day and due to work being done around I was asked to comment on come against the next morning. The next morning I showed up and was told the owner was out running around getting parts and had given the ok on getting me on board but I would be on training/probation for the next month and my official hiring would be termined then. 
So a month has passed and I have not been told other wise on me leaving or things not working out for me there. So I would like to assume it is going to work out and I've managed to make a good name for my self here at Hasselgren. 

Former Formul Atlantic Champion Dan Martin and Paul Hasselgren. 

I've become, in the words of Paul "Hasselgren's 4ag man". This makes me happy with what I've done with my life. 


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