Monday, April 23, 2012

16, 17.

Being 17 and having to take of your self on your own sucks. More than half of the shit i used to own is now sold. Parent dont give me shit. I have no phone. They havent paid for a single shit i own since i was 14. I literally have made my own money since 14. It might not have been legal but but you need money to survive in this country. The four cars i own have been paid by me. Yeah my dad might have paid for them at the moment but he made me paid him every cent. I literally live broke life every day. I ow people. Now owning all these 86 has made me even a broker person. I have -$13.57 dollars exactly in my bank account. Living that rolla life.   The funny part that none of my money is ever spent on them cuhs i have to pay/take care of my self since neither of my parent will give me money. They do but its no more than $10 every other week. But they can sure pay my sisters school. Pay all her credit cards. The stupid shit that she wants or need. For example today i started with $60. now im down to $0. Asked my mom for money for food, she said no. Ask my dad he said no. Result to me having to buy food out of the $60. Then down to $40. Then asked them for gas money, answer was no. Then down to $10. Then i owed someone $7. and idk how i spent the $3. That really irritates me. the fact that at the age of 17 i have to take care of my self economically, ive had to get a job and do as so. But my sister being 21 with no job, hasnt held a job for more that 3 weeks, doesnt have to work one sweat for a single penny. Just had to vent this shit out since i also have nobody anymore to talk to and share my life with at night...


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